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earlyTopProrate EA
based on daily highs and lows and the relationships this ea has made. with tree profit points four money management, trading time and daytrade closing is this new EA very successful.
Strategy Tester Report
Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
Period 15 Minutes (M15) 2012.02.01 10:15 - 2012.02.28 23:45 (2012.01.15 - 2012.02.29)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters MMType=1; UseClose=false; UseAdd=true; LotExponent=1.667; slip=3; Lots=0.01; LotsDigits=2; TakeProfit=23; PipStep=17; MaxTrades=10; UseEquityStop=false; TotalEquityRisk=15; UseTrailingStop=false; UseTimeOut=false; MaxTradeOpenHours=0;
Bars in test 1980 Ticks modelled 1308219 Modelling quality 84.71%
Mismatched charts errors 8
Initial deposit 500.00
Total net profit 477.37 Gross profit 991.67 Gross loss -514.30
Profit factor 1.93 Expected payoff 0.38
Absolute Array 124.28 Maximal Array 224.61 (33.95%) Relative Array 33.95% (224.61)
Total trades 1267 Short positions (won %) 605 (70.08%) Long positions (won %) 662 (72.05%)
Profit trades (% of total) 901 (71.11%) Loss trades (% of total) 366 (28.89%)
Largest profit trade 63.36 loss trade -19.65
Average profit trade 1.10 loss trade -1.41
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 23 (5.86) consecutive losses (loss in money) 7 (-41.81)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 92.66 (3) consecutive loss (count of losses) -72.37 (6)
Average consecutive wins 4 consecutive losses 2
# Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance
1 2012.02.01 10:15 buy 1 0.01 1.30616 0.00000 0.00000
2 2012.02.01 10:15 modify 1 0.01 1.30616 0.00000 1.30639
3 2012.02.01 10:17 t/p 1 0.01 1.30639 0.00000 1.30639 0.23 500.23
4 2012.02.01 10:30 buy 2 0.01 1.30635 0.00000 0.00000
5 2012.02.01 10:30 modify 2 0.01 1.30635 0.00000 1.30658
6 2012.02.01 10:32 t/p 2 0.01 1.30658 0.00000 1.30658 0.23 500.46
7 2012.02.01 10:45 buy 3 0.01 1.30767 0.00000 0.00000
8 2012.02.01 10:45 modify 3 0.01 1.30767 0.00000 1.30790
9 2012.02.01 10:57 t/p 3 0.01 1.30790 0.00000 1.30790 0.23 500.69
10 2012.02.01 11:00 sell 4 0.01 1.30750 0.00000 0.00000
11 2012.02.01 11:00 modify 4 0.01 1.30750 0.00000 1.30727
12 2012.02.01 11:15 sell 5 0.01 1.31099 0.00000 0.00000
13 2012.02.01 11:15 modify 5 0.01 1.31099 0.00000 1.30902
14 2012.02.01 11:15 modify 4 0.01 1.30750 0.00000 1.30902
15 2012.02.01 11:30 sell 6 0.02 1.31142 0.00000 0.00000
16 2012.02.01 11:30 modify 6 0.02 1.31142 0.00000 1.31010
17 2012.02.01 11:30 modify 5 0.01 1.31099 0.00000 1.31010
18 2012.02.01 11:30 modify 4 0.01 1.30750 0.00000 1.31010
19 2012.02.01 11:45 sell 7 0.03 1.31238 0.00000 0.00000
20 2012.02.01 11:45 modify 7 0.03 1.31238 0.00000 1.31098
21 2012.02.01 11:45 modify 6 0.02 1.31142 0.00000 1.31098
22 2012.02.01 11:45 modify 5 0.01 1.31099 0.00000 1.31098
23 2012.02.01 11:45 modify 4 0.01 1.30750 0.00000 1.31098
24 2012.02.01 12:00 sell 8 0.05 1.31403 0.00000 0.00000
25 2012.02.01 12:00 modify 8 0.05 1.31403 0.00000 1.31216
26 2012.02.01 12:00 modify 7 0.03 1.31238 0.00000 1.31216
27 2012.02.01 12:00 modify 6 0.02 1.31142 0.00000 1.31216
28 2012.02.01 12:00 modify 5 0.01 1.31099 0.00000 1.31216
29 2012.02.01 12:00 modify 4 0.01 1.30750 0.00000 1.31216
30 2012.02.01 13:27 t/p 4 0.01 1.31216 0.00000 1.31216 -4.66 496.03
31 2012.02.01 13:27 t/p 5 0.01 1.31216 0.00000 1.31216 -1.17 494.86
32 2012.02.01 13:27 t/p 6 0.02 1.31216 0.00000 1.31216 -1.48 493.38
33 2012.02.01 13:27 t/p 7 0.03 1.31216 0.00000 1.31216 0.66 494.04
34 2012.02.01 13:27 t/p 8 0.05 1.31216 0.00000 1.31216 9.35 503.39
35 2012.02.01 13:30 sell 9 0.01 1.31172 0.00000 0.00000
36 2012.02.01 13:30 modify 9 0.01 1.31172 0.00000 1.31149
37 2012.02.01 13:45 sell 10 0.01 1.31282 0.00000 0.00000
38 2012.02.01 13:45 modify 10 0.01 1.31282 0.00000 1.31204
39 2012.02.01 13:45 modify 9 0.01 1.31172 0.00000 1.31204
40 2012.02.01 14:02 t/p 9 0.01 1.31204 0.00000 1.31204 -0.32 503.07
41 2012.02.01 14:02 t/p 10 0.01 1.31204 0.00000 1.31204 0.78 503.85
42 2012.02.01 14:15 sell 11 0.01 1.31257 0.00000 0.00000
43 2012.02.01 14:15 modify 11 0.01 1.31257 0.00000 1.31234
44 2012.02.01 14:30 sell 12 0.01 1.31475 0.00000 0.00000
45 2012.02.01 14:30 modify 12 0.01 1.31475 0.00000 1.31343
46 2012.02.01 14:30 modify 11 0.01 1.31257 0.00000 1.31343
47 2012.02.01 14:45 sell 13 0.02 1.32003 0.00000 0.00000
48 2012.02.01 14:45 modify 13 0.02 1.32003 0.00000 1.31662
49 2012.02.01 14:45 modify 12 0.01 1.31475 0.00000 1.31662
50 2012.02.01 14:45 modify 11 0.01 1.31257 0.00000 1.31662
51 2012.02.01 16:12 t/p 11 0.01 1.31662 0.00000 1.31662 -4.05 499.80
52 2012.02.01 16:12 t/p 12 0.01 1.31662 0.00000 1.31662 -1.87 497.93
53 2012.02.01 16:12 t/p 13 0.02 1.31662 0.00000 1.31662 6.82 504.75
54 2012.02.01 16:15 sell 14 0.01 1.31570 0.00000 0.00000
55 2012.02.01 16:15 modify 14 0.01 1.31570 0.00000 1.31547
56 2012.02.01 16:30 sell 15 0.01 1.31657 0.00000 0.00000
57 2012.02.01 16:30 modify 15 0.01 1.31657 0.00000 1.31591
58 2012.02.01 16:30 modify 14 0.01 1.31570 0.00000 1.31591
59 2012.02.01 17:02 t/p 14 0.01 1.31591 0.00000 1.31591 -0.21 504.54
60 2012.02.01 17:02 t/p 15 0.01 1.31591 0.00000 1.31591 0.66 505.20
61 2012.02.01 17:15 buy 16 0.01 1.31944 0.00000 0.00000
62 2012.02.01 17:15 modify 16 0.01 1.31944 0.00000 1.31967
63 2012.02.01 17:30 buy 17 0.01 1.31686 0.00000 0.00000
64 2012.02.01 17:30 modify 17 0.01 1.31686 0.00000 1.31838
65 2012.02.01 17:30 modify 16 0.01 1.31944 0.00000 1.31838
66 2012.02.01 17:51 t/p 16 0.01 1.31838 0.00000 1.31838 -1.06 504.14
67 2012.02.01 17:51 t/p 17 0.01 1.31838 0.00000 1.31838 1.52 505.66
68 2012.02.01 18:00 buy 18 0.01 1.31991 0.00000 0.00000
69 2012.02.01 18:00 modify 18 0.01 1.31991 0.00000 1.32014
70 2012.02.01 18:01 t/p 18 0.01 1.32014 0.00000 1.32014 0.23 505.89
71 2012.02.01 18:15 buy 19 0.01 1.32086 0.00000 0.00000
72 2012.02.01 18:15 modify 19 0.01 1.32086 0.00000 1.32109
73 2012.02.01 18:30 buy 20 0.01 1.31937 0.00000 0.00000
74 2012.02.01 18:30 modify 20 0.01 1.31937 0.00000 1.32035
75 2012.02.01 18:30 modify 19 0.01 1.32086 0.00000 1.32035
76 2012.02.01 18:35 t/p 19 0.01 1.32035 0.00000 1.32035 -0.51 505.38
77 2012.02.01 18:35 t/p 20 0.01 1.32035 0.00000 1.32035 0.98 506.36
78 2012.02.01 18:45 buy 21 0.01 1.31989 0.00000 0.00000
79 2012.02.01 18:45 modify 21 0.01 1.31989 0.00000 1.32012
80 2012.02.01 18:45 t/p 21 0.01 1.32012 0.00000 1.32012 0.23 506.59
81 2012.02.01 19:00 buy 22 0.01 1.32027 0.00000 0.00000
82 2012.02.01 19:00 modify 22 0.01 1.32027 0.00000 1.32050
83 2012.02.01 19:12 t/p 22 0.01 1.32050 0.00000 1.32050 0.23 506.82
84 2012.02.01 19:15 buy 23 0.01 1.32041 0.00000 0.00000
85 2012.02.01 19:15 modify 23 0.01 1.32041 0.00000 1.32064
86 2012.02.01 19:17 t/p 23 0.01 1.32064 0.00000 1.32064 0.23 507.05
87 2012.02.01 19:30 sell 24 0.01 1.31974 0.00000 0.00000
88 2012.02.01 19:30 modify 24 0.01 1.31974 0.00000 1.31951
89 2012.02.01 19:30 t/p 24 0.01 1.31951 0.00000 1.31951 0.23 507.28
90 2012.02.01 19:45 sell 25 0.01 1.31835 0.00000 0.00000
91 2012.02.01 19:45 modify 25 0.01 1.31835 0.00000 1.31812
92 2012.02.01 19:47 t/p 25 0.01 1.31812 0.00000 1.31812 0.23 507.51
93 2012.02.01 20:00 buy 26 0.01 1.31847 0.00000 0.00000
94 2012.02.01 20:00 modify 26 0.01 1.31847 0.00000 1.31870
95 2012.02.01 20:04 t/p 26 0.01 1.31870 0.00000 1.31870 0.23 507.74
96 2012.02.01 20:15 buy 27 0.01 1.31926 0.00000 0.00000
97 2012.02.01 20:15 modify 27 0.01 1.31926 0.00000 1.31949
98 2012.02.01 20:21 t/p 27 0.01 1.31949 0.00000 1.31949 0.23 507.97
99 2012.02.01 20:30 sell 28 0.01 1.31802 0.00000 0.00000
100 2012.02.01 20:30 modify 28 0.01 1.31802 0.00000 1.31779
101 2012.02.01 20:43 t/p 28 0.01 1.31779 0.00000 1.31779 0.23 508.20
102 2012.02.01 20:45 sell 29 0.01 1.31661 0.00000 0.00000
103 2012.02.01 20:45 modify 29 0.01 1.31661 0.00000 1.31638
104 2012.02.01 20:52 t/p 29 0.01 1.31638 0.00000 1.31638 0.23 508.43
105 2012.02.01 21:00 sell 30 0.01 1.31659 0.00000 0.00000
106 2012.02.01 21:00 modify 30 0.01 1.31659 0.00000 1.31636
107 2012.02.01 21:08 t/p 30 0.01 1.31636 0.00000 1.31636 0.23 508.66
108 2012.02.01 21:15 sell 31 0.01 1.31608 0.00000 0.00000
109 2012.02.01 21:15 modify 31 0.01 1.31608 0.00000 1.31585
110 2012.02.01 21:30 sell 32 0.01 1.31683 0.00000 0.00000
111 2012.02.01 21:30 modify 32 0.01 1.31683 0.00000 1.31623
112 2012.02.01 21:30 modify 31 0.01 1.31608 0.00000 1.31623
113 2012.02.01 21:46 t/p 31 0.01 1.31623 0.00000 1.31623 -0.15 508.51
114 2012.02.01 21:46 t/p 32 0.01 1.31623 0.00000 1.31623 0.60 509.11
115 2012.02.01 22:00 sell 33 0.01 1.31558 0.00000 0.00000
116 2012.02.01 22:00 modify 33 0.01 1.31558 0.00000 1.31535
117 2012.02.01 22:15 sell 34 0.01 1.31605 0.00000 0.00000
118 2012.02.01 22:15 modify 34 0.01 1.31605 0.00000 1.31559
119 2012.02.01 22:15 modify 33 0.01 1.31558 0.00000 1.31559
120 2012.02.01 22:22 t/p 33 0.01 1.31559 0.00000 1.31559 -0.01 509.10
121 2012.02.01 22:22 t/p 34 0.01 1.31559 0.00000 1.31559 0.46 509.56
122 2012.02.01 22:30 sell 35 0.01 1.31567 0.00000 0.00000
123 2012.02.01 22:30 modify 35 0.01 1.31567 0.00000 1.31544
124 2012.02.01 22:38 t/p 35 0.01 1.31544 0.00000 1.31544 0.23 509.79
125 2012.02.01 22:45 buy 36 0.01 1.31608 0.00000 0.00000
126 2012.02.01 22:45 modify 36 0.01 1.31608 0.00000 1.31631
127 2012.02.01 22:45 t/p 36 0.01 1.31631 0.00000 1.31631 0.23 510.02
128 2012.02.01 23:00 sell 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 0.00000
129 2012.02.01 23:00 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31486
130 2012.02.01 23:15 sell 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 0.00000
131 2012.02.01 23:15 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31518
132 2012.02.01 23:15 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31518
133 2012.02.01 23:30 sell 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 0.00000
134 2012.02.01 23:30 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31544
135 2012.02.01 23:30 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31544
136 2012.02.01 23:30 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31544
137 2012.02.01 23:45 sell 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 0.00000
138 2012.02.01 23:45 modify 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 1.31567
139 2012.02.01 23:45 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31567
140 2012.02.01 23:45 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31567
141 2012.02.01 23:45 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31567
142 2012.02.02 00:15 sell 41 0.05 1.31654 0.00000 0.00000
143 2012.02.02 00:15 modify 41 0.05 1.31654 0.00000 1.31593
144 2012.02.02 00:15 modify 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 1.31593
145 2012.02.02 00:15 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31593
146 2012.02.02 00:15 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31593
147 2012.02.02 00:15 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31593
148 2012.02.02 01:00 sell 42 0.08 1.31696 0.00000 0.00000
149 2012.02.02 01:00 modify 42 0.08 1.31696 0.00000 1.31625
150 2012.02.02 01:00 modify 41 0.05 1.31654 0.00000 1.31625
151 2012.02.02 01:00 modify 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 1.31625
152 2012.02.02 01:00 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31625
153 2012.02.02 01:00 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31625
154 2012.02.02 01:00 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31625
155 2012.02.02 02:15 sell 43 0.13 1.31714 0.00000 0.00000
156 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 43 0.13 1.31714 0.00000 1.31651
157 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 42 0.08 1.31696 0.00000 1.31651
158 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 41 0.05 1.31654 0.00000 1.31651
159 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 1.31651
160 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31651
161 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31651
162 2012.02.02 02:15 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31651
163 2012.02.02 02:45 sell 44 0.21 1.31866 0.00000 0.00000
164 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 44 0.21 1.31866 0.00000 1.31726
165 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 43 0.13 1.31714 0.00000 1.31726
166 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 42 0.08 1.31696 0.00000 1.31726
167 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 41 0.05 1.31654 0.00000 1.31726
168 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 1.31726
169 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31726
170 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31726
171 2012.02.02 02:45 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31726
172 2012.02.02 03:15 sell 45 0.36 1.31933 0.00000 0.00000
173 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 45 0.36 1.31933 0.00000 1.31799
174 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 44 0.21 1.31866 0.00000 1.31799
175 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 43 0.13 1.31714 0.00000 1.31799
176 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 42 0.08 1.31696 0.00000 1.31799
177 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 41 0.05 1.31654 0.00000 1.31799
178 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 40 0.03 1.31620 0.00000 1.31799
179 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 39 0.02 1.31593 0.00000 1.31799
180 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 38 0.01 1.31572 0.00000 1.31799
181 2012.02.02 03:15 modify 37 0.01 1.31509 0.00000 1.31799
182 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 37 0.01 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -2.99 507.03
183 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 38 0.01 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -2.36 504.68
184 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 39 0.02 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -4.29 500.38
185 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 40 0.03 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -5.63 494.75
186 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 41 0.05 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -7.25 487.50
187 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 42 0.08 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -8.24 479.26
188 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 43 0.13 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 -11.05 468.21
189 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 44 0.21 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 14.07 482.28
190 2012.02.02 03:46 t/p 45 0.36 1.31799 0.00000 1.31799 48.24 530.52
191 2012.02.02 04:00 buy 46 0.01 1.31855 0.00000 0.00000
192 2012.02.02 04:00 modify 46 0.01 1.31855 0.00000 1.31878
193 2012.02.02 04:15 buy 47 0.01 1.31793 0.00000 0.00000
194 2012.02.02 04:15 modify 47 0.01 1.31793 0.00000 1.31847
195 2012.02.02 04:15 modify 46 0.01 1.31855 0.00000 1.31847
196 2012.02.02 04:21 t/p 46 0.01 1.31847 0.00000 1.31847 -0.08 530.44
197 2012.02.02 04:21 t/p 47 0.01 1.31847 0.00000 1.31847 0.54 530.98
198 2012.02.02 04:30 buy 48 0.01 1.31864 0.00000 0.00000
199 2012.02.02 04:30 modify 48 0.01 1.31864 0.00000 1.31887
200 2012.02.02 04:45 buy 49 0.01 1.31806 0.00000 0.00000
201 2012.02.02 04:45 modify 49 0.01 1.31806 0.00000 1.31858
202 2012.02.02 04:45 modify 48 0.01 1.31864 0.00000 1.31858
203 2012.02.02 05:00 t/p 48 0.01 1.31858 0.00000 1.31858 -0.06 530.92
204 2012.02.02 05:00 t/p 49 0.01 1.31858 0.00000 1.31858 0.52 531.44
205 2012.02.02 05:15 buy 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 0.00000
206 2012.02.02 05:15 modify 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 1.31930
207 2012.02.02 05:30 buy 51 0.01 1.31840 0.00000 0.00000
208 2012.02.02 05:30 modify 51 0.01 1.31840 0.00000 1.31897
209 2012.02.02 05:30 modify 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 1.31897
210 2012.02.02 06:15 buy 52 0.02 1.31801 0.00000 0.00000
211 2012.02.02 06:15 modify 52 0.02 1.31801 0.00000 1.31860
212 2012.02.02 06:15 modify 51 0.01 1.31840 0.00000 1.31860
213 2012.02.02 06:15 modify 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 1.31860
214 2012.02.02 06:45 buy 53 0.03 1.31700 0.00000 0.00000
215 2012.02.02 06:45 modify 53 0.03 1.31700 0.00000 1.31801
216 2012.02.02 06:45 modify 52 0.02 1.31801 0.00000 1.31801
217 2012.02.02 06:45 modify 51 0.01 1.31840 0.00000 1.31801
218 2012.02.02 06:45 modify 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 1.31801
219 2012.02.02 07:00 buy 54 0.05 1.31668 0.00000 0.00000
220 2012.02.02 07:00 modify 54 0.05 1.31668 0.00000 1.31755
221 2012.02.02 07:00 modify 53 0.03 1.31700 0.00000 1.31755
222 2012.02.02 07:00 modify 52 0.02 1.31801 0.00000 1.31755
223 2012.02.02 07:00 modify 51 0.01 1.31840 0.00000 1.31755
224 2012.02.02 07:00 modify 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 1.31755
225 2012.02.02 07:45 buy 55 0.08 1.31641 0.00000 0.00000
226 2012.02.02 07:45 modify 55 0.08 1.31641 0.00000 1.31719
227 2012.02.02 07:45 modify 54 0.05 1.31668 0.00000 1.31719
228 2012.02.02 07:45 modify 53 0.03 1.31700 0.00000 1.31719
229 2012.02.02 07:45 modify 52 0.02 1.31801 0.00000 1.31719
230 2012.02.02 07:45 modify 51 0.01 1.31840 0.00000 1.31719
231 2012.02.02 07:45 modify 50 0.01 1.31907 0.00000 1.31719
232 2012.02.02 07:56 t/p 50 0.01 1.31719 0.00000 1.31719 -1.88 529.56
233 2012.02.02 07:56 t/p 51 0.01 1.31719 0.00000 1.31719 -1.21 528.35
234 2012.02.02 07:56 t/p 52 0.02 1.31719 0.00000 1.31719 -1.64 526.71
235 2012.02.02 07:56 t/p 53 0.03 1.31719 0.00000 1.31719 0.57 527.28
236 2012.02.02 07:56 t/p 54 0.05 1.31719 0.00000 1.31719 2.55 529.83
237 2012.02.02 07:56 t/p 55 0.08 1.31719 0.00000 1.31719 6.24 536.07
238 2012.02.02 08:00 buy 56 0.01 1.31736 0.00000 0.00000
239 2012.02.02 08:00 modify 56 0.01 1.31736 0.00000 1.31759
240 2012.02.02 08:12 t/p 56 0.01 1.31759 0.00000 1.31759 0.23 536.30
241 2012.02.02 08:15 buy 57 0.01 1.31752 0.00000 0.00000
242 2012.02.02 08:15 modify 57 0.01 1.31752 0.00000 1.31775
243 2012.02.02 08:20 t/p 57 0.01 1.31775 0.00000 1.31775 0.23 536.53
244 2012.02.02 08:30 buy 58 0.01 1.31838 0.00000 0.00000
245 2012.02.02 08:30 modify 58 0.01 1.31838 0.00000 1.31861
246 2012.02.02 08:45 buy 59 0.01 1.31727 0.00000 0.00000
247 2012.02.02 08:45 modify 59 0.01 1.31727 0.00000 1.31806
248 2012.02.02 08:45 modify 58 0.01 1.31838 0.00000 1.31806
249 2012.02.02 09:15 buy 60 0.02 1.31691 0.00000 0.00000
250 2012.02.02 09:15 modify 60 0.02 1.31691 0.00000 1.31760
251 2012.02.02 09:15 modify 59 0.01 1.31727 0.00000 1.31760
252 2012.02.02 09:15 modify 58 0.01 1.31838 0.00000 1.31760
253 2012.02.02 09:25 t/p 58 0.01 1.31760 0.00000 1.31760 -0.78 535.75
254 2012.02.02 09:25 t/p 59 0.01 1.31760 0.00000 1.31760 0.33 536.08
255 2012.02.02 09:25 t/p 60 0.02 1.31760 0.00000 1.31760 1.38 537.46
256 2012.02.02 09:30 buy 61 0.01 1.31807 0.00000 0.00000
257 2012.02.02 09:30 modify 61 0.01 1.31807 0.00000 1.31830
258 2012.02.02 09:33 t/p 61 0.01 1.31830 0.00000 1.31830 0.23 537.69
259 2012.02.02 09:45 buy 62 0.01 1.31824 0.00000 0.00000
260 2012.02.02 09:45 modify 62 0.01 1.31824 0.00000 1.31847
261 2012.02.02 09:59 t/p 62 0.01 1.31847 0.00000 1.31847 0.23 537.92
262 2012.02.02 10:00 buy 63 0.01 1.31852 0.00000 0.00000
263 2012.02.02 10:00 modify 63 0.01 1.31852 0.00000 1.31875
264 2012.02.02 10:15 buy 64 0.01 1.31505 0.00000 0.00000
265 2012.02.02 10:15 modify 64 0.01 1.31505 0.00000 1.31702
266 2012.02.02 10:15 modify 63 0.01 1.31852 0.00000 1.31702
267 2012.02.02 10:30 buy 65 0.02 1.31439 0.00000 0.00000
268 2012.02.02 10:30 modify 65 0.02 1.31439 0.00000 1.31582
269 2012.02.02 10:30 modify 64 0.01 1.31505 0.00000 1.31582
270 2012.02.02 10:30 modify 63 0.01 1.31852 0.00000 1.31582
271 2012.02.02 10:44 t/p 63 0.01 1.31582 0.00000 1.31582 -2.70 535.22
272 2012.02.02 10:44 t/p 64 0.01 1.31582 0.00000 1.31582 0.77 535.99
273 2012.02.02 10:44 t/p 65 0.02 1.31582 0.00000 1.31582 2.86 538.85
274 2012.02.02 10:45 buy 66 0.01 1.31594 0.00000 0.00000
275 2012.02.02 10:45 modify 66 0.01 1.31594 0.00000 1.31617
276 2012.02.02 11:00 buy 67 0.01 1.31382 0.00000 0.00000
277 2012.02.02 11:00 modify 67 0.01 1.31382 0.00000 1.31511
278 2012.02.02 11:00 modify 66 0.01 1.31594 0.00000 1.31511
279 2012.02.02 11:15 buy 68 0.02 1.31306 0.00000 0.00000
280 2012.02.02 11:15 modify 68 0.02 1.31306 0.00000 1.31420
281 2012.02.02 11:15 modify 67 0.01 1.31382 0.00000 1.31420
282 2012.02.02 11:15 modify 66 0.01 1.31594 0.00000 1.31420
283 2012.02.02 11:32 t/p 66 0.01 1.31420 0.00000 1.31420 -1.74 537.11
284 2012.02.02 11:32 t/p 67 0.01 1.31420 0.00000 1.31420 0.38 537.49
285 2012.02.02 11:32 t/p 68 0.02 1.31420 0.00000 1.31420 2.28 539.77
286 2012.02.02 11:45 sell 69 0.01 1.31309 0.00000
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can u explain the best setting with this EA? I test this EA but not work well
The earlyTopProrate EA is designed to automate trading decisions based on specific conditions and manage positions, including risk management and money management.
Let's break down its functions and how it works:
Time Settings:
StartHour, EndHour, and ClosingHour: These parameters determine the hours when the EA will start trading, stop trading, and close positions (if applicable). By default, it starts at 5:00 AM, stops at 10:00 AM, and closes positions at 6:00 PM.
Position Sizing:
Lots: This is the initial lot size for each trade. It is set to 0.5 lots by default. Lot size determines the size of your positions.
Take Profit and Stop Loss:
TP1, TP2, TP3: These parameters define the Take Profit levels for trades. For example, TP1 is set to 25 pips.
setSL0, setSL1, setSL2: These parameters define Stop Loss levels for trades. For example, setSL0 is set to 100 pips.
Money Management:
MMTyp: This parameter determines the money management type used. It can be set to different values to control lot size, such as fixed lot, percentage of account balance, or custom calculations.
FactorMM2: Used in money management calculations when MMTyp is set to 2.
RiskMM2: Used in money management calculations when MMTyp is set to 3.
Trend Analysis:
The EA analyzes the daily trend by comparing the daily high, low, and open prices. If the high is greater than the open, it considers the trend as "Up," and if the low is less than the open, it considers the trend as "Down." This trend analysis helps in making trading decisions.
Trading Signals:
The EA generates trading signals based on the trend analysis. It sets SignalBuy to true when conditions for a buy signal are met, and SignalSell to true for a sell signal.
Money Management:
The EA applies money management rules based on the MMTyp setting, which includes lot size calculations and risk management.
Order Execution:
The EA places buy or sell orders when specific conditions are met, such as the time being within the specified trading hours and the presence of open positions.
It uses the OrderSend function to send buy or sell orders to the market with appropriate lot sizes and prices.
Trade Management:
The EA manages open positions by adjusting Stop Loss and Take Profit levels based on the predefined rules and market conditions.
Display Information:
The EA displays information on the chart, including money management type, lot size, open position sizes, profit points, and other relevant details. This information is shown as text on the chart.
Day Trading Close:
The EA provides an option to close positions at a specific closing hour, which is defined by the ClosingHour parameter.
Magic Number:
Each trade has a unique identifier called the "Magic Number" (Magic). It is used to distinguish between trades generated by this EA and other EAs or manual trades.
The EA attempts to take advantage of daily trends and uses predefined Take Profit and Stop Loss levels. The trading logic is based on the market's daily open price and trend analysis. The EA also manages risk by adjusting lot sizes and stop levels based on user-defined parameters.
Please note that the effectiveness of this EA depends on various factors, including market conditions and the chosen parameter settings.
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Disclaimer - No representation is being made that any Forex account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown on backtests in this forum. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. All information on this forum is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements posted by forum members or the MT4talk EA Tester Team about profits or income expressed or implied, do not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the MT4talk team and forum members of this information harmless in any and all ways.
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