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Snowies EA with 3 indicators - (tested with over $1,500,000 profit)
Strategy Tester Report
AlpariUK-Classic-2 (Build 419)
Symbol GBPUSD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)
Period 4 Hours (H4) 2012.01.02 00:00 - 2012.06.01 20:00 (2012.01.01 - 2012.06.03)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters Risk=0; Lots=1; Stop=50; TakeProfit=100; Reverse=false; MondayStartTime="00:00"; MondayEndTime="23:59"; TuesdayStartTime="00:00"; TuesdayEndTime="23:59"; WednesdayStartTime="00:00"; WednesdayEndTime="23:59"; ThursdayStartTime="00:00"; ThursdayEndTime="23:59"; FridayStartTime="00:00"; FridayEndTime="23:59"; MondayNoBreakStartTime="00:00"; FridayNoBreakEndTime="23:00"; MonFriNoBreak=true; IntraBar=false; MagicNumber=0; WriteScreenshots=true; TrailStart=50; TrailAmount=10; periodAMA=9; nfast=7; nslow=30; G=1; dK=3; FasterLWMA=7; SlowerLWMA=30; soundAlert=true; soundFile="lwma_crossover.wav"; textAlert=true; FastEMA=30; SlowEMA=40; SignalEMA=9; SlippageExit=6; SlippageEnter=2;
Bars in test 1661 Ticks modelled 7089055 Modelling quality n/a
Mismatched charts errors 511
Initial deposit 10000.00
Total net profit 3180.60 Gross profit 7721.20 Gross loss -4540.60
Profit factor 1.70 Expected payoff 113.59
Absolute Array 345.00 Maximal Array 3104.30 (20.72%) Relative Array 20.72% (3104.30)
Total trades 28 Short positions (won %) 18 (44.44%) Long positions (won %) 10 (60.00%)
Profit trades (% of total) 14 (50.00%) Loss trades (% of total) 14 (50.00%)
Largest profit trade 1000.00 loss trade -503.70
Average profit trade 551.51 loss trade -324.33
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 5 (1549.20) consecutive losses (loss in money) 4 (-1502.00)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 1995.90 (2) consecutive loss (count of losses) -1502.00 (4)
Average consecutive wins 2 consecutive losses 2
# Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance
1 2012.01.02 12:00 buy 1 1.00 1.55014 0.00000 0.00000
2 2012.01.02 12:00 modify 1 1.00 1.55014 1.54514 1.56014
3 2012.01.03 06:08 modify 1 1.00 1.55014 1.55014 1.56014
4 2012.01.03 07:33 modify 1 1.00 1.55014 1.55114 1.56014
5 2012.01.03 08:20 modify 1 1.00 1.55014 1.55214 1.56014
6 2012.01.03 08:45 modify 1 1.00 1.55014 1.55314 1.56014
7 2012.01.03 11:17 t/p 1 1.00 1.56014 1.55314 1.56014 999.60 10999.60
8 2012.01.05 20:00 sell 2 1.00 1.54915 0.00000 0.00000
9 2012.01.05 20:00 modify 2 1.00 1.54915 1.55415 1.53915
10 2012.01.06 14:38 modify 2 1.00 1.54915 1.54915 1.53915
11 2012.01.06 15:40 modify 2 1.00 1.54915 1.54815 1.53915
12 2012.01.06 15:43 modify 2 1.00 1.54915 1.54715 1.53915
13 2012.01.06 16:03 modify 2 1.00 1.54915 1.54615 1.53915
14 2012.01.06 16:21 t/p 2 1.00 1.53915 1.54615 1.53915 996.30 11995.90
15 2012.01.11 00:00 buy 3 1.00 1.54842 0.00000 0.00000
16 2012.01.11 00:00 modify 3 1.00 1.54842 1.54342 1.55842
17 2012.01.11 11:28 s/l 3 1.00 1.54342 1.54342 1.55842 -500.00 11495.90
18 2012.01.11 12:00 sell 4 1.00 1.54354 0.00000 0.00000
19 2012.01.11 12:00 modify 4 1.00 1.54354 1.54854 1.53354
20 2012.01.11 12:37 modify 4 1.00 1.54354 1.54354 1.53354
21 2012.01.11 15:33 modify 4 1.00 1.54354 1.54254 1.53354
22 2012.01.11 15:36 modify 4 1.00 1.54354 1.54154 1.53354
23 2012.01.11 16:03 modify 4 1.00 1.54354 1.54054 1.53354
24 2012.01.11 17:13 t/p 4 1.00 1.53354 1.54054 1.53354 1000.00 12495.90
25 2012.01.11 17:13 sell 5 1.00 1.53329 0.00000 0.00000
26 2012.01.11 17:13 modify 5 1.00 1.53329 1.53829 1.52329
27 2012.01.12 09:03 modify 5 1.00 1.53329 1.53329 1.52329
28 2012.01.12 10:48 s/l 5 1.00 1.53329 1.53329 1.52329 -11.10 12484.80
29 2012.01.17 08:00 buy 6 1.00 1.53667 0.00000 0.00000
30 2012.01.17 08:00 modify 6 1.00 1.53667 1.53167 1.54667
31 2012.01.18 15:52 modify 6 1.00 1.53667 1.53667 1.54667
32 2012.01.18 21:11 modify 6 1.00 1.53667 1.53767 1.54667
33 2012.01.19 09:57 modify 6 1.00 1.53667 1.53867 1.54667
34 2012.01.19 11:31 modify 6 1.00 1.53667 1.53967 1.54667
35 2012.01.19 16:46 t/p 6 1.00 1.54667 1.53967 1.54667 998.40 13483.20
36 2012.02.06 08:00 sell 7 1.00 1.57781 0.00000 0.00000
37 2012.02.06 08:00 modify 7 1.00 1.57781 1.58281 1.56781
38 2012.02.06 17:13 s/l 7 1.00 1.58281 1.58281 1.56781 -500.00 12983.20
39 2012.02.09 12:00 sell 8 1.00 1.58401 0.00000 0.00000
40 2012.02.09 12:00 modify 8 1.00 1.58401 1.58901 1.57401
41 2012.02.10 06:03 modify 8 1.00 1.58401 1.58401 1.57401
42 2012.02.10 08:23 modify 8 1.00 1.58401 1.58301 1.57401
43 2012.02.10 10:32 s/l 8 1.00 1.58301 1.58301 1.57401 96.30 13079.50
44 2012.02.17 00:00 buy 9 1.00 1.58054 0.00000 0.00000
45 2012.02.17 00:00 modify 9 1.00 1.58054 1.57554 1.59054
46 2012.02.17 10:38 modify 9 1.00 1.58054 1.58054 1.59054
47 2012.02.17 16:03 s/l 9 1.00 1.58054 1.58054 1.59054 0.00 13079.50
48 2012.02.22 00:00 sell 10 1.00 1.57793 0.00000 0.00000
49 2012.02.22 00:00 modify 10 1.00 1.57793 1.58293 1.56793
50 2012.02.22 10:38 modify 10 1.00 1.57793 1.57793 1.56793
51 2012.02.22 10:42 modify 10 1.00 1.57793 1.57693 1.56793
52 2012.02.22 10:52 modify 10 1.00 1.57793 1.57593 1.56793
53 2012.02.22 13:27 modify 10 1.00 1.57793 1.57493 1.56793
54 2012.02.22 13:57 t/p 10 1.00 1.56793 1.57493 1.56793 1000.00 14079.50
55 2012.02.24 16:00 buy 11 1.00 1.58575 0.00000 0.00000
56 2012.02.24 16:00 modify 11 1.00 1.58575 1.58075 1.59575
57 2012.02.27 00:00 close 11 1.00 1.58912 1.58075 1.59575 336.60 14416.10
58 2012.03.02 20:00 sell 12 1.00 1.58473 0.00000 0.00000
59 2012.03.02 20:00 modify 12 1.00 1.58473 1.58973 1.57473
60 2012.03.05 00:00 close 12 1.00 1.58353 1.58973 1.57473 116.30 14532.40
61 2012.03.05 00:00 sell 13 1.00 1.58327 0.00000 0.00000
62 2012.03.05 00:00 modify 13 1.00 1.58327 1.58827 1.57327
63 2012.03.06 01:38 s/l 13 1.00 1.58827 1.58827 1.57327 -503.70 14028.70
64 2012.03.09 00:00 buy 14 1.00 1.58300 0.00000 0.00000
65 2012.03.09 00:00 modify 14 1.00 1.58300 1.57800 1.59300
66 2012.03.09 10:31 s/l 14 1.00 1.57800 1.57800 1.59300 -500.00 13528.70
67 2012.03.09 20:00 sell 15 1.00 1.56678 0.00000 0.00000
68 2012.03.09 20:00 modify 15 1.00 1.56678 1.57178 1.55678
69 2012.03.12 00:00 close 15 1.00 1.56687 1.57178 1.55678 -12.70 13516.00
70 2012.03.12 00:00 sell 16 1.00 1.56664 0.00000 0.00000
71 2012.03.12 00:00 modify 16 1.00 1.56664 1.57164 1.55664
72 2012.03.12 12:03 modify 16 1.00 1.56664 1.56664 1.55664
73 2012.03.13 10:16 s/l 16 1.00 1.56664 1.56664 1.55664 -3.70 13512.30
74 2012.03.15 20:00 buy 17 1.00 1.57237 0.00000 0.00000
75 2012.03.15 20:00 modify 17 1.00 1.57237 1.56737 1.58237
76 2012.03.16 13:32 modify 17 1.00 1.57237 1.57237 1.58237
77 2012.03.16 13:47 modify 17 1.00 1.57237 1.57337 1.58237
78 2012.03.16 13:53 modify 17 1.00 1.57237 1.57437 1.58237
79 2012.03.16 14:03 modify 17 1.00 1.57237 1.57537 1.58237
80 2012.03.16 14:36 t/p 17 1.00 1.58237 1.57537 1.58237 999.60 14511.90
81 2012.03.22 12:00 sell 18 1.00 1.57997 0.00000 0.00000
82 2012.03.22 12:00 modify 18 1.00 1.57997 1.58497 1.56997
83 2012.03.23 08:23 s/l 18 1.00 1.58497 1.58497 1.56997 -503.70 14008.20
84 2012.03.29 00:00 sell 19 1.00 1.58878 0.00000 0.00000
85 2012.03.29 00:00 modify 19 1.00 1.58878 1.59378 1.57878
86 2012.03.29 21:11 s/l 19 1.00 1.59378 1.59378 1.57878 -500.00 13508.20
87 2012.03.30 08:00 buy 20 1.00 1.59848 0.00000 0.00000
88 2012.03.30 08:00 modify 20 1.00 1.59848 1.59348 1.60848
89 2012.03.30 13:48 modify 20 1.00 1.59848 1.59848 1.60848
90 2012.03.30 15:57 s/l 20 1.00 1.59848 1.59848 1.60848 0.00 13508.20
91 2012.04.04 00:00 sell 21 1.00 1.59119 0.00000 0.00000
92 2012.04.04 00:00 modify 21 1.00 1.59119 1.59619 1.58119
93 2012.04.04 12:43 modify 21 1.00 1.59119 1.59119 1.58119
94 2012.04.04 15:58 modify 21 1.00 1.59119 1.59019 1.58119
95 2012.04.05 02:47 s/l 21 1.00 1.59019 1.59019 1.58119 88.90 13597.10
96 2012.04.11 00:00 sell 22 1.00 1.58622 0.00000 0.00000
97 2012.04.11 00:00 modify 22 1.00 1.58622 1.59122 1.57622
98 2012.04.11 09:56 s/l 22 1.00 1.59122 1.59122 1.57622 -500.00 13097.10
99 2012.04.11 16:00 buy 23 1.00 1.59141 0.00000 0.00000
100 2012.04.11 16:00 modify 23 1.00 1.59141 1.58641 1.60141
101 2012.04.12 13:40 modify 23 1.00 1.59141 1.59141 1.60141
102 2012.04.13 11:47 s/l 23 1.00 1.59141 1.59141 1.60141 -1.60 13095.50
103 2012.04.16 00:00 sell 24 1.00 1.58477 0.00000 0.00000
104 2012.04.16 00:00 modify 24 1.00 1.58477 1.58977 1.57477
105 2012.04.16 20:47 s/l 24 1.00 1.58977 1.58977 1.57477 -500.00 12595.50
106 2012.04.17 12:00 buy 25 1.00 1.59580 0.00000 0.00000
107 2012.04.17 12:00 modify 25 1.00 1.59580 1.59080 1.60580
108 2012.04.18 10:02 s/l 25 1.00 1.59080 1.59080 1.60580 -500.40 12095.10
109 2012.05.02 00:00 sell 26 1.00 1.62190 0.00000 0.00000
110 2012.05.02 00:00 modify 26 1.00 1.62190 1.62690 1.61190
111 2012.05.02 15:42 modify 26 1.00 1.62190 1.62190 1.61190
112 2012.05.04 17:48 modify 26 1.00 1.62190 1.62090 1.61190
113 2012.05.04 23:00 close 26 1.00 1.61524 1.62090 1.61190 651.20 12746.30
114 2012.05.08 12:00 sell 27 1.00 1.61336 0.00000 0.00000
115 2012.05.08 12:00 modify 27 1.00 1.61336 1.61836 1.60336
116 2012.05.09 15:20 modify 27 1.00 1.61336 1.61336 1.60336
117 2012.05.09 20:03 s/l 27 1.00 1.61336 1.61336 1.60336 -3.70 12742.60
118 2012.05.11 08:00 sell 28 1.00 1.61197 0.00000 0.00000
119 2012.05.11 08:00 modify 28 1.00 1.61197 1.61697 1.60197
120 2012.05.11 15:45 modify 28 1.00 1.61197 1.61197 1.60197
121 2012.05.11 23:00 close 28 1.00 1.60759 1.61197 1.60197 438.00 13180.60
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i am very happy to see thaht you are share your ea and setting i download it and it run on my mt4
Hi, thanks for sharing the Snowieso EA
I made a few changes and tested this Forex robot on a real Forex account!
Please look at what I got.
We tested on: FBS Broker!
If you are using this Forex robot on any other Forex broker, then you may have to find your own settings, because the provided settings do not work with all brokers.
We tested on super-fast Forex VPS! It's highly recommended for 24/5 automated trading!
Deposit: $200
Leverage: 1:2000
The test time: 4 months.
Total trades: 18
Average trades per month: 4
Total profit: $1,509,173
I tested on real Forex account!
Note: We made this test for you, to give you a starting point. You should always make your own test.
Have a good trend and the biggest profit!
For detailed test information, please download the files below!
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eu H1 d200 p1.5M snowiesoEA.set 2.17 kb, 304 downloads since 2019-08-26
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snowiesoEA.mq4 42.77 kb, 290 downloads since 2019-08-26
- We are testing robots on FBS Forex broker!
- We are testing robots on FXOpen accounts!
- We are testing robots on LQDFX accounts!
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